Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5 Effective Ways for Termite Control and Prevention

If your property has been infested with termites, it is important to seek professional help immediately. Of all insects, termites are the most destructive, causing literally billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses. With the right termite control company, your property will be free of termites. In addition, the company can offer you a preventative plan to keep them at bay.
All termite control companies have their own methods for getting rid of termites, but the following are some of the five ways proven most effective.

Permethrin Dust – Permethrin dust is a natural termite control insecticide that produces excellent results. Not only is it highly effective for getting rid of termites in commercial spaces, it also eliminates ticks, ants, ground beetles, bagworms, and many other annoying pests.

Arsenic Dust – Some termite control companies use this type of dust, which is effective in treating termites that are seen but also those in the colony. As one sprayed termite makes its way back to the colony, other termites are affected. However, any bugs that feed on the dead termites will also be eliminated.
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96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Zip Code: M1B 1P3
Phone: (416) 747-7378

What Alternatives to Poison Are Preferred for Rodent Control?

Even though rodents are extremely destructive to homes and businesses, and despite the fact that many people are genuinely afraid of them, most individuals admit that they are not fond of these tiny creatures being poisoned. People who struggle with a rodent problem want to know if there are any other alternatives to consider for rodent control.
Fortunately, there are a number of rodent control products and methods that work extremely well without causing a painful death. Home and business owners always turn to a company for pest control in Toronto that uses natural remedies.

Peppermint Essential Oil – One of the best pest control methods that is all natural involves placing about 20 drops of peppermint essential oil onto several cotton balls that are placed around the home, especially where you think the rodents are getting inside. Both mice and rats find the smell to be extremely offensive.

Dryer Sheets – For some reason, many people find that rodents detest the smell of dryer sheets. In areas where you find droppings, simply place a few on the floor.

Humane Traps – If you are totally against killing a rodent, you can purchase humane traps. Once the rodent is caught, you will need to take it some distance from your home or business to be sure it does not return. If the problem is relatively bad, you can even purchase humane traps that have multiple chambers.
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Contact Us:

96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Zip Code: M1B 1P3
Phone: (416) 747-7378

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Do’s and Don’ts When Choosing Animal Control Services

Before you hire just any company for animal control services, it is important to know some do’s and don’ts. That way, you end up choosing a company that has the experience and expertise to handle the type of pests that you are dealing with.

For animal extraction, as well as getting rid of other pests, you should always ask if the company is licensed. When a pest control company has current licensing, it means government requirements are followed.

Make sure the company has experience with the specific type of animal that you need to have removed from your property. For instance, in the case of raccoons, the risk of rabies is always present. A company that has expertise in dealing with this particular animal knows the proper way to set traps and remove the animal without being bitten.

Always do your homework before choosing a company for pest control in Toronto. Although several companies may offer similar services, there are usually differences in what they do, how they do it, and the fees they charge.

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Contact Us:

96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M1B 1P3
Phone: (416) 747-7378

Friday, April 7, 2017

Facts You Don’t Know about the Premier Pest Control Companies

When it comes to the best pest control companies, there are some facts that you may not be aware of. First of all, a pest control company can handle a lot of issues but is not a miracle worker. Obviously, the goal is to do whatever possible to eradicate a problem, but unless a homeowner follows the given advice, there is no guarantee of success.
As an example, if someone calls a pest control Toronto because of a roach problem but that individual continually leaves dirty dishes in the sink or food laying around the house, the problem is not going to go away. Another example is a homeowner who has a fly problem yet refuses to get a screen window fixed. Simply put, unless the homeowner takes measures to prevent the problem from returning, there is nothing that a pest control company can do.

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Contact Us:

Pestico Canada Inc
96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M1B 1P3
Call On: (416) 747-7378

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Squirrels can be a familiar sight in trees and around yards and sometimes they are easy to ignore. They can also become a nuisance especially as their numbers grow and they begin to seek refuge inside the home. In most cases, squirrels live in underground burrows, tree hollows or crooks of branches, but it is common to find them seeking shelter in attics. While you might not be too worried about their presence in your yard, when they invade your home it becomes personal! There are things that you can do to keep squirrels out of your home and keep your sanity intact.
Repair any roof damage in your home

Having regular inspection of your roof will not only help to maintain your home in the best condition, it will also help to keep animals away from your home. Inspecting the roofline will help you to identify any areas that are rotten or have been weakened due to water damage. Check for leaks and make sure that the roofing material is intact. Any portions of the trim or roof that are damaged are much easier to chew through, making them the perfect access points for squirrels.

Consider animal proofing your home

One of the best ways to protect your home from marauding squirrels is by animal proofing the roof vents. The squirrels usually gain access into the home through vents and they make their home in the attic. Attic fans and vents are not designed to keep out animals and while the insect screen can keep out bugs, they cannot withstand a squirrel. A squirrel can make quick work of the screen and will pull it or chew on it to gain access into the home. Talk to the animal control specialist about the best animal proofing alternatives to find out devices that work effectively.

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Contact Us:

Pestico Canada Inc
96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M1B 1P3
Phone: (416) 747-7378


Raccoons are smart, tough and aggressive animals and they can wreak havoc on your property within a very short time. The critters may look furry and cute but they are real troublemakers and they can frustrate the most patient and animal loving homeowner. If you notice a raccoon around your home or property directly contact Raccoon removal Toronto, you can be sure that you are about to experience some problems. Raccoons have strong claws and they can cause serious damage to your deck, garage, shed or your home’s exterior.
Raccoons can also cause damage to the interior of the home once they gain access. The animals will do whatever it takes to get into your home to seek warmth and shelter and the moment they get in the damage begins. In the attic, the raccoons will damage the insulation and drywall by chewing on the electrical wiring and leaving urine and feces all over the place. Apart from the damage, exposure to disease becomes a problem. Raccoons are known to spread dangerous parasites and viruses.

Carry out an inspection

To repel or get rid of a raccoon effectively, the first step should be carrying out an inspection. As much as you think that this is something you can easily do yourself, it is a good idea to get professional inspection. An experienced professional will identify all potential access points and will offer the best advice about reinforcing all the weak areas around the chimney and other areas. This is a critical step when you want to repel raccoons. Other areas to examine include under decks and stoops where the animals can gain access. Any potential weak areas and points of entry should be fixed. For more detail view Original Source...

Contact Us:

Pestico Canada Inc
96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Canada, M1B 1P3
Call On: (416) 747-7378

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


A beautiful yard is not just about the appearance from a distance, it also needs to be pest or bed bugs extermination. If your kids or pets love to play in the yard, it is a good idea to keep the area tick free. Ticks thrive in places that are damp and leafy with lots of shade. If this sounds a lot like your garden or yard, you need to be careful to ensure that you have pest free grounds. Ticks may be tiny but they can cause some major issues including causing Lyme disease. Your health and that of your family is very important and there are things that you should do to turn your yard into a tick-free zone.

Know how to identify ticks

It is important to find out what ticks look like so that you know whether you have a problem. It is very easy to miss a tick if you do not know what it looks like or what to look for. It is important to know that the age and species of the tick will determine its appearance. Try to get information about the characteristics or features of the ticks that are found in your region. While you are at it, learn about other pests so that you know exactly what you are dealing with.

Good lawn maintenance

Your lawn maintenance habits can determine whether your yard is conducive for the pests. Mowing your grass close to the ground is a good way to keep it tick-free. Tall grass creates the perfect hiding spot for the hungry ticks and the cover protects them from sight and sunlight. The annoying critters hide in the long grass as they wait for a passing human or animal to climb on. Mowing your grass on a regular basis will discourage the ticks from setting up camp in areas where you might walk into them. Click Here to view Original Source...

Contact Us:

Pestico Canada Inc
96 Wickson Trail
Toronto, Ontario
Pin Code: M1B 1P3
Phone: (416) 747-7378